The Dealeez articles

Group of trail runners at the top of a mountain

Discovering the Trail: A Race to Conquer Nature

Trail running, the mysterious term that attracts thousands of enthusiasts every year, is much more than a simple foot race. It’s a unique experience that combines a love of nature, a physical challenge and a spirit of adventure. In this article, Dealeez takes you inside the world of trail running to understand what it really means.

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Woman making a very precious piece of jewellery, using precision equipment

Precision Crafting: Techniques, Tools and Applications

Crafting can take many forms, and among them, precision crafting stands out for its high standards, meticulousness and attention to detail. Whether you’re a keen amateur or a seasoned professional, precision crafting offers a multitude of opportunities to create meticulous and impeccable projects. In this article, Dealeez takes you through what precision crafting is, provides real-life examples, and lists the equipment you need to excel in this discipline.

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A person reading a book

The Magic of Reading with a Reading Lamp

Reading is an escapade into imaginary worlds, exciting adventures and infinite knowledge. It can take place at any time of day, but there’s something extraordinary about immersing yourself in a book at night. An experience that immerses you in your reading by the soothing glow of a headlamp. In this article, Dealeez explores the experience of reading with a headlamp and why it adds a unique dimension to your literary journey.

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Suitcase containing clothes and electronic devices, a camera and a touch-screen tablet powered by lithium batteries

Everything You Need to Know if You Travel with Electronic Devices (Lithium Batteries)

Travelling is an exciting adventure, whether on holiday or on business. However, if you’re planning to transport lamps or any other battery-powered devices, it’s essential to be aware of the rules and regulations governing their transport. Lithium batteries are commonly used in many portable electronic devices, but they also present potential risks. To ensure a safe and hassle-free journey, Dealeez presents everything you need to know about transporting your devices.

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Woman cycling to work early in the morning

Cycling to Work is Possible Even at Night, Thanks to the Essential Headlamp

Cycling to work is not only environmentally friendly and economical, it’s also great for your health. However, with the arrival of winter and the shorter days, it’s necessary to cycle at night, when visibility is reduced. That’s where the headlamp comes in, an essential accessory for early-morning or night-time cyclists. In this article, Dealeez explores the benefits of using a headlamp for your cycling trips.

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A hand holding a light bulb

Which Light for which Use? Are LED Lamps the Best?

Lighting is an essential part of our daily lives, but it can be difficult to find your way around the many lamp options available on the market. Each type of lamp has its own characteristics and advantages. So it’s important to choose the right one for every room in your home or every situation. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between the most common types of lamp and help you decide which of the incandescent, halogen, compact fluorescent and LED lamps best suits your needs.

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A tent lit up at night

The Importance of Choosing the Right Equipment for Your Trekking and Camping Outings (lamp, bag, shoes, etc.)

Going trekking or camping means venturing into wild and beautiful environments, far from civilization. Whether you’re planning a hike lasting a few days or an expedition lasting several weeks, one thing’s for sure: your equipment, such as your camping light, shoes, backpack, sleeping bag or tent, is essential to ensure your safety, comfort and the success of your adventure.

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Worker on a roof working with his construction light

How to Choose the Right Worksite Lamp for Your Needs?

Choosing the right worksite lamp is essential to getting the job done, whether you’re an occasional DIYer or a seasoned professional. Worksite lamps are designed to provide effective lighting in often demanding working conditions. In this article, we’ll guide you in choosing the ideal worksite lamp, taking into account a number of important criteria.

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